O B S E R V A T I O N S : Just Like Finding Fifth Gear.
You understand how gears work, don’t you? They’re mechanisms that transfer, hard earned, now spent energy into moving forward, becoming momentum. As energy is continuously expended and one gear is exchanged for another, we not only move faster, we need less energy to do so.
Here’s the thing, even thou the energy is spent, used, exchanged for forward movement we haven’t lost it, we’ve earned it. It becomes part of us as independent vehicles. We carry with us the energy expended in the acquisition and collection of the experiences we’ve had throughout our travels and choices. These experiences, as they accumulate, exponentially deliver greater performance with less effort and even greater control.
Now, because less energy is required to maintain momentum the same amount of energy that produced the movement can now be used to increase performance. This is when we discover a place, a point of balance, where our efforts produce meaningful results, perspective. Like riding in an open car or at the bow of a sail boat in open waters, the feeling of moving without effort is accentuated. This is when the instant access to our experiences shifts into expertise. At this time, when perspective is achieved and expertise is evident, can be our most productive, if only we remember to keep moving forward. To do that, we must do more than accept change, we must embrace it as we’ve always done, looking for forward, for what is next.