ReVital is an electrolyte product, prepared to help prevent dehydration in children. The parent company is a small, older pharmaceutical laboratory in the mid west. The product comes in several forms; an oral solution, as a frozen Freezer-Pops, and in Jell Cups.
Its competitors are national with prominent name recognition and established store-shelf positions. Challenging a leader under any circumstance can be daunting much less when the child is so are critical to selection.
P O S I T I O N I N G : With the introduction of Sonny the Seal, as its branding icon and a much more child-friendly identity and packaging, strong inroads were made with national drug store chains. It didn’t hurt that ReVital’s three flavors tasted better.
Special Note: Along with the development of the identification program, packaging and initial print advertising there was an opportunity to produce several broadcast commercials.